the RidingDiary - Horse Events across the UK
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Event ID 126936

Macclesfield Forest Guided Ride

Peak District Guided Horse Rides

Thu 25 Apr
Sorry, this event has already taken place.
Find more events on the the RidingDiary
Tegg's nose Country Park car park
Buxton Old Road
SK11 0AP


Contact Details:

Event Secretary
Phone: 07855812753
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Additional Event Information

This wonderfully varied approx 9 mile route offers forest riding, moorland views and sections waterside with commanding views of Tegg�s nose. Both you and your horse will enjoy a good work out with hilly terrain throughout but the rewards of panoramic views from multiple locations of elevation make it more than worth it. Ground conditions permitting there are some limited canter opportunities. View the route demo video here: Worth Noting: Going is at times steep both up and down and this can be over rocky and uneven surfaces. This includes a particularly tricky short section directly from the car park which is ridden both up and down. Much of the route is stony with off road sections hardcore finished. There are some sections on road, mainly on designated �quiet lanes� but there is one short section which is slightly busier. There are small water splashes across some tracks. Livestock may be encountered alongside the route. There is a section of wide upward steps on one bridleway. Group size is limited to 6+guide. Places are �35/ horse and rider combination. All riders must have their own BHS Gold or equivalent Public Liability Insurance. Under 18s are welcome but must be accompanied on the ride by an adult. Bookings can be made using the following link: