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Cwrt-Y-Cadno Farmers Hunt Fun Ride
Cwrt - Y - Cadno Farmers Hunt
Start Date: Sun 30 Aug 2020
End Date: Sun 18 Aug 2019
SA19 8AJ
Contact Details:
Sian Gardner
Phone: 07901958501
Send Email
Additional Event Information
Fabulous fun ride, two distances - 8 miles or 16 miles (approx). A well marked ride, mostly tracks, with open countryside and fantastic scenery. Optional jumps on both routes. Rosettes for all riders and light refreshments provided.
Start out at your own pace between 10.00 - 1.00pm.
Advanced bookings only and payment via Paypal - please contact me for further details.
Adults �15, Children �10. A warm welcome to all.
Welsh Government Coronavirus Regulations adhered to.