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Event ID 116852

Horse Agility Ridden Obstacles and Comp., Near Basingstoke

Berkshire Horse Agility and Equagility

Sun 09 Jun
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Additional Event Information

10am-2pm (approx.) Equagility event with optional competition. Equagility is a branch of Horse Agility that includes both a ridden as well as an in hand section (pure horse agility is in hand or liberty on the ground only). Equagility courses comprise 5 coloured obstacles, which are to be completed first in hand and then ridden on a loose rein. This event is run by a listed Trainer and Judge of The International Horse Agility Club and Enlightened Equitation teacher. The event includes teaching you to ride bio-mechanically, from your seat and leg, training your horse to respond to non rein aids, confidence with obstacles and finishes with an optional, low key, relaxed competition. Suitable for bitless riders (but bits are allowed too). Relaxed format and venue. Plenty of obstacles to play on. Suitable for most levels. For any queries, email: